Tommy Vu and Ryan Stitt working on cases and reviewing results and testimonials.

Stitt Vu Trial Lawyers' Case Results & Testimonials

Our commitment to excellence is reflected in our outstanding case results and the testimonials of our clients. With a proven track record of success, we take pride in achieving the best possible outcomes for those we represent. Our clients' stories speak volumes about our dedication, expertise, and personalized approach to each case. Discover how our team has made a difference by exploring our recent case victories and client testimonials. case results testimonials case results testimonials case results

Case Results

United States v. An Individual, 24CR00009-TWR

Client charged with importing 11 kilograms of cocaine from Mexico into the United States. This charge carried a potential ten-year minimum sentence. The government argued that after his arrest, client made incriminating statements. After client rejected the first offer from the government, and after he indicated a desire to set the case for trial, the government dismissed the charge against our client.

United States v. An Individual, 24CR619-JLS

Client was charged with possession of approximately ten pounds of fentanyl with the intent to distribute. Client had a previous importation of methamphetamine conviction where he received a 3-year sentence. Worked with client and his family to develop a duress defense to the charge. After client rejected a plea offer from the government, and after setting the case for the earliest trial date, the government dismissed the charge against our client.

United States v. An Individual, 23CR711-BTM

Client charged with importing 15 kilograms of cocaine, 8 kilograms of fentanyl, and 5 kilograms of heroin from Mexico into the United States. These charges carried a potential ten-year minimum sentence. Worked with client and client's family to develop a defense to the charges, which included conducting an investigation in Mexico. After setting the case for trial, the government dismissed all charges against our client.

United States v. An Individual, 23CR1404-BAS

Client charged with importing 9 kilograms of methamphetamine from Mexico into the United States. This charge carried a potential ten-year minimum sentence. Conducted immediate investigation and worked with client and client's family to develop a defense to the charge. After setting the case for trial, the government dismissed the charge against our client.

United States v. An Individual, 22CR2356-RBM

Client charged with importing 9 kilograms of methamphetamine and 1 kilogram of fentanyl from Mexico into the United States. Our client had a prior drug transportation felony conviction. This charge carried a fifteen-year minimum sentence. Worked with client to develop a defense to the charge, and the government agreed to dismiss the charge against our client.

United States v. An Individual, 21CR1751-BAS

Represented the client at sentencing for a felony importation of heroin conviction. The court imposed no jail time or a fine despite the government’s recommendation for a year of jail time, and instead ordered the client to be supervised on probation for three years and to complete community service during that time.

United States v. An Individual, 11CR4153-WQH

Client was charged with violating a condition of his supervised release. The Probation Officer recommended 10 months’ custody. We immediately filed a motion to compel discovery and motion for hearing to determine probable cause. The case was dismissed within 10 days of our appointment by the Court.

United States v. An Individual, 22CR1373-DMS, Dkt. No. 66

Government conceded suppression of an illegal wiretap that constituted the bulk of the government’s evidence in a conspiracy case.

United States v. An Individual, 23CR1319-RSH

Client and her boyfriend were both charged with transportation of illegal aliens. Worked with client to develop a defense to the charge. After client rejected a plea offer from the government, the government dismissed the charge against our client. Client’s boyfriend plead guilty and was sentenced to 33 months in custody.


Ali H.

"Tommy and Ryan were excellent to work with. They addressed all our concerns fully and handled our case better than we expected."

Melissa F.

"Great attorney. Excellent communication, attentive and made me comfortable with talking to him with a high level of professionalism. Highly recommend."

Jerred R.

"Ryan Stitt has been my legal representation for over 5 years now and has constantly and consistently shown why he is one of the best there is. His legal knowledge is vast and precise. Ryan will say with confidence what is possible and while working together we have been able to achieve everything we have attempted. He is very quick to respond and shows that he cares as he takes my matters seriously.

With Ryan, I know that I am not just another client, but rather someone that he is genuinely interested in helping. He has provided me legal assistance and guidance during some of the most difficult times in my life and has always fought tirelessly on my behalf. I am grateful to have Ryan as my legal representation and know that with him in my corner, I have the support I need to navigate whatever legal challenges come my way."

Jose R.

"Tommy and Ryan are excellent attorneys. They genuinely care and communicated with both my family and I as early and as much as possible. Their hard work and diligence resulted in my drug importation case being dismissed."

Jose R.

"I was arrested with drugs in my car at the San Ysidro Port of Entry and charged with importing them. Ryan Stitt visited me in jail and he told me that I do not have to pay time for a crime that I did not commit. Ryan contacted my family, since I couldn't because I was in isolation. When out on bail Ryan contacted me to work on my case, with a probability of sentence of 10 to 15 years or more, Ryan and his investigators looked for cases similar to mine.

In just a few days after meeting with Ryan, he called to me to give me the news that the prosecutor would dismiss the charges against me. I feel very grateful to Ryan and his team for the great job he did in my case, since for my previous felony I thought I would spend a lot of time in prison and because of Ryan and his team it was not like that."

Juan A.

"Tommy was concerned and prioritized my case from the beginning. He took the time to explain everything to me and I’m confident that his attention to detail helped get my criminal case dismissed. Although I appreciate him, I hope I am never in this situation again where I will need his help. If I need help in the future, I know who to call."

Ivan R.

"I told Tommy I was innocent the first time I met him. He was the only person who believed in me from the beginning and he always fought for me. Tommy was always professional and communicated very well. He treated me with respect and not as a criminal. The government dismissed the drug importation case against me and I am forever grateful."